Life in the Blue Ocean

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Yesterday an email flitted across my screen from ‘Tools for the Mind’. Now this is not a bargain outlet for brain-surgeons’ instruments, rather it is an emporium of management ideas. And one they were championing was the ‘blue ocean strategy’. Far from being some policy from the Cold War, this is a methodology to grow your business.

In essence, most organisations live in a crowded market where competition is rife. In fact, they are literally biting each other for custom. Therefore, this is – you’ve guessed it – the red ocean.

However, most successful companies discover brand new services and products clear of their competition. This is the open space of the blue ocean. And ‘blue sky’ thinking explains why CNN, Cirque de Soleil and Apple have found a very profitable life on the ocean blue.

So that set me thinking too. Where is the blue ocean for the Church? Since today so many of its traditional roles have been taken over by others – social services, pressure groups and schools to name but a few. Even the world’s spiritual arena is crowded with religions, philosophies and theologies.  But there is still one unique selling point of Jesus Christ’s business. and it is immortality.

Now there is an ocean of life on blue heaven.

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